Sunday, May 30, 2010

the simple tastes of love

i once believed love could be unconditional
that once it happened, it couldn't go away.
unfortunately, i think it has.
and i think both of our hearts are shattered.
how did we let it get to this point?
why didn't we draw the line?
i wish you could have accepted
the little things in me.
you know, the way i bite my lip
whenever i became nervous
or how i'd always argue the little things
like what show we watched on tv
just because i liked to hear you talk
if i could, i'd go back to that place
that day that we met.
i'd tell you the truth,
that you can't force me to be
someone i'm not.
that despite how hard we would try
this romance could never work.
because you're too damn stubborn
to be content with someone
who loves you in the most simple of ways.

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